During a major event, we activate our CAT Teams which are available 24/7. Based both in the office and out in the field, we believe our main point of difference in handling a major event is our capability to instantly change the roles and responsibilities of our team with minimal disruption to our operational processes. Armed and prepared to handle any major event that may occur, our CAT Team will contact our clients within one hour of receiving instructions from insurers or loss adjusters to determine the level of damage and assist to ensure all is safe and secure. In an event, our Customer Service Officers have been cross-trained to act as part of the CAT response team and will disengage from their BAU responsibilities and focus solely on make-safes and urgent claims. This allows us to allocate a direct team to be in control of the initial impact of an event and the high volume of make-safes that will be expected. This implementation means we are able to manage expectations by handling communications with clients, policy holders and our teams on the ground to ensure all teams work together in an efficient and effective manner with one point of control. The ultimate result is a faster, cleaner and more reliable event service for all involved.

Our plan's key feature :